
Welcome to the Asura Blade&Soul community!
Almost all the preparatory work has been completed and we are ready to start Open Beta testing!

Soon, access to the game will be open to everyone. The game progress achieved during testing will not be affected and will be preserved when the server goes into release. Account registration, personal account, game client and launcher will be available in the next couple of days.

During testing, we will closely monitor the relevance of dungeon drop lists and NPC trade lists, so prices and chances of losses may vary slightly for the greater convenience of players.

In recent years, the game has changed a lot and by the KR2020 version, its content has grown significantly both in quantity and quality. Nevertheless, we will do everything possible to recreate and preserve the homely and friendly atmosphere that once reigned on the servers of the classic versions, and for which this game is so loved by players in 2022.

Asura06.03.2022 14:21